Ayurveda Products
AYURVEDA - In a Nutshell or a Nut-Free-Shell
Ayurveda (A·yur·ve·da) is a traditional system of medicine that originated in India, focusing on a holistic approach to health and wellness through a balance of bodily elements and lifestyle practices.
The Ayurvedic Doshas, namely Vata (Air), Kapha (Earth & Water), and Pitta (Fire) represent three fundamental energies or bodily humors that govern various physiological and psychological functions, influencing one's constitution and health.
VATA (Air) 
To balance the Vata in Ayurveda, oils with warming and nourishing properties are often recommended to balance Vata dosha. Some oils considered beneficial for balancing Vata include:
Soothing Touch Products that are well suited for balancing Vata:
KAPHA (Water) 
To balance the Kapha dosha in Ayurveda, warming and invigorating oils are often recommended to balance Kapha dosha. Some oils that are considered beneficial for balancing Kapha include:
Soothing Touch Products that are well suited for balancing Kapha:
PITTA (Fire) 
To balance Pitta dosha in Ayurveda, cooling and soothing oils are often recommended. Some oils considered beneficial for balancing Pitta include:
It's important to remember that individual constitutions and imbalances vary, so consulting with an Ayurvedic practitioner for personalized advice based on your specific needs is recommended.
Soothing Touch Products that are well suited for Pitta balancing:
Soothing Touch Ayurveda Products